Seeking - Selling - Used

Electric crucible waiting melting furnace:
Electric crucible waiting melting furnace:
Max. Temperature reachable - 1100 ° c.
Aluminum crucible capacity – 500-600-700 kg.
Max power Installed - 75 kw.
Consumption pending at 700 ° c with lid closed - 3.9 kw / h.
Hourly production at full power - 217 kh / h.
Oven dimensions - 1285x1480x1470

Melting furnace waiting for gas
Fixed basin furnace with sampling chamber.
Furnace capacity - 1300 kg
Hourly production max at 720 ° c - 280/290 kg
Max combustion capacity - 550 kw / h
Consumption per melting 100 kg. Al. - 80 kw / h
Required pressure for gas - 80 mbar
2-stage burner (standard) - 2 n.
Manufacturer - TECNO FUSIONI.

Melting furnace waiting for FERGAL aluminum alloys, reversible on the spout used for about 30 working days.
Sold with guarantee at the price of € 78,000.00
Hourly production at tempreture of about 700/750 ° c. 500 kg. aluminum alloys.
Capacity of the waiting basin 1500 kg.
The oven consists of two melting and waiting chambers, with two vertically opening doors for cleaning.
Loading of ingot castes, with automatic loader in the cone of the chimney evacuating combustion fumes.

no. 1 reversible electric oven on the spout used working in good condition.
Below are the data and characteristics of the oven:​
Capacity of aluminum in kg. max. 550 - 600
Type of crucible TPCX 587 H. 900 – TPCX 587H.1000
Energy consumption 0.6 Kw/h/Kg aluminum at 720°c.
max power installed 90 kW.
Requested power available Kw. 95
Standby consumption at 720°c. with open lid Kw/h. 20
Standby consumption at 720°c. with closed lid Kw/h. 10
Morgan model pull-out panel heaters