plants and products for foundries
Production is carried out in a modern factory with sophisticated metallurgical treatment plants. The production process is taken care of in order to guarantee:
analytical constancy and repeatability;
H2 content at negligible levels;
absence of non-metallic impurities, such as oxides etc .;
crystalline structures suitable for transformation processes.
The plant used in the production process is carefully controlled and managed following the quality system standards which is composed of the following tools:
emission quantometer for analytical control;
weighing terminal for specific weight control;
instrument for checking radioactivity;
microscopes for micrographic and stereoscopic analysis;
weighing system for determining the apparent specific weight;
melting and holding furnaces;
fliter box with separate cycles for in-line degassing and filtering;
ingot molding machine for ingots weighing about 6-8 kg;
automated stacker and in-line weighing terminal.
primary Al-Si with limited Fe content (max 0.06% - max 0.10% - max 0.15 - max 0.20%) for the construction of wheels, steering wheels, motorcycle forks and other safety parts with excellent mechanical characteristics, as required by the most important car and motorcycle manufacturers;
Primary Al-Cu used for the creation of castings with good mechanical characteristics and workability of the tool (in particular for thermoforming molds)
Primary Al-Si-Cu-Mg used for general uses where good flowability of the alloy is required with good mechanical and workability characteristics of the tool;
Thermo-resistant primary Al-Si-Cu-Mg-Ni (eutectic and hypereutectic) for the construction of cylinders and pistons used by the most well-known manufacturers of cars, motorcycles and means of transport;
Al-Ni-Mn thermo-resistant primary used for the construction of gas burners in the household and non-domestic appliance sector;
Self-hardening primary Al-Si-Zn with low Fe and Cu content used in the most varied sectors, where the contribution of heat treatment becomes difficult;
Anticorrosive and anodizable primary Al-Mg with Mg from 3 to 10% used for the creation of castings for the nautical, food and furnishing sector;
Primary anti-friction Al-Cu4-Sn3.5-Ti used for the realization of sealing bushings applied on connecting rods and oil pumps in the automotive sector;
Primary for electric use Al 99.5 - 99.7 CE for the construction of rotors of electric motors and other components, which have as their characteristic an excellent electrical conductivity.
Secondary: all ex DIN and ex UNI replaced by the new EN AB, EN 46000, EN 46100, EN 47100 EN 47000, EN 46400 pre-modified and not.
Alloys according to the customer's specific formulation, even for limited quantities.
MASTER ALLOYS: Al-Si25, Al-Cu50, Al-Mg25, Al-Sr10, for the correction of alloy elements